8 Ladrao 5% 162 0 0 0 0 -40 -40 30
9 Alce 1/500 65 0 0 -35 85 -15 25 50
15 Clerigo 15% 710 0 0 10 10 -40 -35 100
15 Ninfa 5% 410 0 0 0 0 -40 -40 100
21 Coelhinha da Playboy 1% 365 0 0 0 0 -50 -50 0
21 General Orc 2.5% 1020 20 20 80 -10 0 -10 40
33 Mafioso 5% 3350 0 0 0 0 -40 -20 -20
35 Aranha de Cristal 15% 2740 75 65 -40 65 100 100 65
35 Golem de Diamante 5% 5120 100 -60 -10 60 100 100 90
39 Coelhinho da Playboy 30% 16950 10 -25 0 75 -40 -25 75
39 Azhemaroth 15% 22900 10 -30 20 50 100 100 -20
40 Mantis 2.5% 5150 0 0 -15 5 -25 -15 25
43 Elfo Superior 5% 5100 -10 10 80 30 -20 -30 70
52 Esqueleto Guardiao 2.5% 5850 0 30 0 30 100 100 -50
57 UPARAT 30% 4260 45 100 -20 -100 60 50 80
73 Dragao Branco 15% 10300 -20 0 100 30 0 -40 90
79 Escaravelho Titan 15% 7500 90 -20 -20 0 100 20 30
119 Capetao 5% 16400 35 100 20 -30 20 50 -50
132 Gerente de Banco 5% 18500 -20 -20 20 0 -10 10 10
148 Golem de Prata 5% 26250 85 -30 -30 0 100 100 50
161 Djehut Den Ra 30% 42300 0 -40 20 50 100 100 50
196 Gmili 30% 162000 35 45 -25 0 -10 0 0
230 Sentinela 15% 53300 0 40 -50 50 100 100 100
239 Lady Perigo 15% 17450 -25 0 0 0 -5 -10 35
254 Anciao 15% 115700 0 70 100 100 -60 60 60
258 Arcanjo 5% 34200 50 20 50 20 0 -25 100
262 Senhor da Terra 15% 75000 40 35 85 40 100 100 100
262 Terceira Classe 5% 32500 20 25 35 100 -35 80 -15
288 Mestre Alquimico 5% 70200 45 -30 10 -10 -45 0 20
318 Boi Baleia 5% 122400 40 50 65 45 30 55 65
378 Criomante Draconico 15% 132800 -35 -30 10 100 100 100 -50
403 Loki 15% 842400 -15 -10 30 40 -10 -15 50
467 Boizin Baleia 50% 1585750 35 45 55 55 65 100 -15
467 Boizin Baleia 30% 1585750 35 45 55 55 65 100 -15
470 Dragao de Diamante 30% 156800 100 -40 -40 10 40 40 50
Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box